"Meet the British Programme"

Member of the
International Association Educational Travel Agents  



Very Important.
A famous Englishman, George Bernhard Shaw,  once said that every time an Englishmen opened his mouth he makes 7 enemies. The reason for this is that Englishmen judge people by the way that they speak more than any other way . In most countries there is a part of the country where the people speak a dialect that is considered bad.
The best way for International students therefore to become proficient in a language is, without doubt, to learn where the language is spoken, with clarity, in the country of its origin. We therefore recommend strongly that when learning English you do it in the heart of England and not there where the English language is spoken with a strong accent and that is

No further South than North London

No further North than Northampton

No further West than Oxford

No further East than Cambridge

Birmingham was voted the accent that most English people disliked the most. So remember, no Englishman likes to hear cockney (Sth London), mancurian (Manchester)  or West country accents (Devon)  so under no circumstances choose a location where the language is not spoken with claritySurrounded by centuries of tradition, our English centres in the  MK, and Northampton conurbation fulfils all your  language needs.