1. Teachers

At the beginning of the lesson please complete attendance forms, ask all students if they have any problems and get forms signed to say that we have asked. Any students which have problems which we can solve should complete the appropriate form. If completed correctly this procedure will mean that your lessons are not interrupted in future. These forms are to be given to the group leader which has been assigned to your class. Please always ensure well in advance that you have enough forms. 


During break times the students should leave the classroom. No classroom should ever be left unattended.


2. Group Leaders and 3. Trainee Group leaders

Just before break go into the classrooms and collect the completed forms. Check these immediately. If there are any errors, please hand back the form to the teacher and ask them to correct it. Eg. missing dates, classrooms, comments, etc.

Once you have collected the completed form please give them to your Activity Leader.


Yesterday the office staff still received forms which had not been filled out properly


During break time you must patrol the buildings, to make sure that the students are behaving. Please also check toilets.

There is to be no eating anywhere other than in the Refectory.

Smoking is not allowed in any part of the building other than in the refectory.

Remind the students of the bus service.

At 12.15 escort all the students to the coaches to go to Willen Lake. Make sure that you do a head count.

Students must travel back on the same coach as they go on.


Adult Groupleaders - make sure that you are at the Golf Course 15 minutes before it is due to start.


4. Activity Leaders

Give the students as much information as possible.

During break or just after, you will be given the forms which have been completed by the teachers. These should be checked immediately for any errors. If any are found please give the form back to the relevant groupleader and ask them to have the form completed.

Yesterday the office staff still received forms which had not been filled out properly

Make sure that you give all of the completed forms to the Welfare Officers.

When on the coaches make sure that the Group Leaders do a Head count.

Students must travel back on the same coach as they go on.

Make sure that all students are accompanied by Groupleaders in Willen Lake to avoid any accidents.

Adult - Activity Leaders - make sure that you are at the golf course 15 minutes before it is due to start.


5. Welfare Officers

You are responsible for the welfare of the students.

Please make sure that you are given the forms from the Activity Leaders. Please check these forms immediately. If they are wrong hand them back to the Activity Leader.

These forms must be presented to the office as soon as possible Henry is responsible for bringing the forms to the Office.

Yesterday the office staff still received forms which had not been filled out properly


Make sure that all students are accompanied by Groupleaders in Willen Lake to avoid any accidents.



6. Office Staff.


Collect teaching reports and happy forms from the welfare officers when they come into the office.

Check to make sure that they have all been filled out correctly.

Check to make sure that the happy lists have the correct number of signatures on them!!

If they have not give them back to the Welfare officer, who will then in turn give them back to the relevant person.

File all the reports in date order in the appropriate files.

Check for absent students, phone to find out why they were not at school.

Check to see if any teachers in Germany have requested teaching reports on their students. Use the teaching reports to ascertain the tasks taught, co-operation marks and attendance.

Print out all forms for the following day. Happy/unhappy forms and teaching reports.

Enter all bookings and families which come in from the co-ordinators and German office.

Print out status reports for the following day for the Activity Leaders and Welfare Officers.

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