Barry Schiller





the course

  Lifecontrol has 3 major ways of helping

2) Life Management

So Generally you should be satisfied with your lot, you think. 
After all the others are.....
but wait a minute. 
Is this how it was supposed to be. 
Are you the person you wanted to be when as a kid you were asked what you wanted to be when you grew up?
And have you reached your potential? or did you just get stuck along the way like most people do? Well the good news is that I don't recommend getting rid of the Baby with the bathwater so my job is to enable you to keep the good bits while getting rid of the bad and you can decide at what speed. Remember I'm not into controlling your life just giving you the tools to control it yourself to reach your peak.

Examples of when you might need Life management are ....

  • Dissatisfied at work, Uni or School
  • Not sleeping well
  • Business could be better
  • Not being appreciated
  • Not having everything you want
  • Lack of direction
  • Not successful enough
  • Dissatisfied with success
  • Dissatisfied with social life
  • Dissatisfied with sex life
  • Dissatisfied with Personal Matters (Home, Partner, Vehicle, Dress, Look, style, relations, Belief, Financial state, Health, Job, Marriage or any other aspect of your present situation.

You do not need to put up with situation. I will give you the tools to correct the situation. All you need is the will to do it.

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