Ran Foundation Affiliate Programme

Terms and Conditions

Agents Contract

The Ran Foundation  …………………………………………………………………………………………………

(Called the Foundation hereafter)


Mr / Mrs / agent ………………………………………………………………………………………….

(Called agent hereafter)

have as of ……………………….. negotiated the following:

  1. Rights of the agent
  2. The agent will be self-employed and part time take over trading for the Foundation in the area of …………………………………………..…...

    The Foundation reserves the right to continue trading itself or through appointed agents in that area.

  3. Subject of the representation
  4. The representation entails the Vermittlung? Of training courses

  5. Responsibilities and authorities of the trading agent
  6. It is the agent’s responsibility to promote business as described in paragraph 2. for and in the name of the Foundation. He is not authorised to finalise business and Incasso? in the name of the Foundation.

    While doing his job the agent has to ensure the interests of the Foundation are being taken into consideration with the professionalism of a decent businessman and must never trade unfairly.

  7. Transference of rights
  8. This contract or single rights of this contract are not transferable.

  9. Duties of the Foundation
  10. In instructing the agent the Foundation will take his role as self employed agent into account. The Foundation will support the agent in his duties to the best of its abilities and will always let him have the necessary news and information. The Foundation will especially inform the agent of the successful or unsuccessful outcome of any mediated business. The Foundation informs the agent when any unsuccessful business can only be concluded in a small range, as is to be expected under circumstances. The same goes, if the Foundation because of internal reasons or higher forces is unable to take on new or only limited orders.

  11. Duties of the agent

The agent is under obligation to follow the instructions of the Foundation, no matter if these are given generally or for a specific case. The agent has to inform the Foundation immediately of any mediated deal and continuously keep them informed with copies of correspondence or memorandums. The agent is obliged to check the Bonitδt? Of existing or prospective clients within the means of his possibilities and to support the Foundation in checking their credit reference. Any doubts about the Bonitδt of an existing or prospective client are to be reported to the Foundation. The agent has to respect any trade secrets of the Foundation, which he might learn about during his work and is not allowed to inform any third parties about them. This also counts after the duration of this contract. For any breach of this agreement the agent will be fined DM 5000. The agent agrees to respect the terms of business in all his dealings with clients or prospective customers. Special arrangements are only allowed in agreement with the Foundation.

7.       Commission duties on businesses

The agent aquires a claim of commission on all business which has been mediated during the Time he is under contract with the Foundation. Business deals finalised after the contract has finished

Are only due for commission duty to the agent, if the deal is mainly credited to work the agent has done. If however a business deal is finalised one month after the finish of the agent contract, there can be no claim on commission duty.

  1. Discontinuation of commission duty claim
  2. The claim of commission duty discontinues when it has become impossible to carry out finalised business deals, without the Foundation having to defend the impossibility or when it is unreasonable to carry out that business.

  3. Calculation and amount of the commission
  4. The commission is: refer to appendix, which is part of this contract. The agent carries all his own expenses, which occur in his side of the business. Expense allowances for special occasions are to be negotiated separately.

  5. Duration of the contract, termination of the contract
  6. The contract is for an indefinite period. It will end with a notice to quit or the death of the agent.

    There has to be six months notice. The right to quit for important reasons, for both partners is not affected by this. Notice has to be given in writing. Any papers given to the agent before and during his work by the Foundation have to be handed back within three days after ending the contract, if they have not been used as intended.

  7. Competition
  8. The agent holds the following representations / occupations? On beginning his contract:


    The Foundation agrees to him continuing these activities. The agent is not allowed during his contract with the Foundation, to trade for other companies (if not stated above) with similar or same products, unless he has specifically written permission by the Foundation to do so and he must not take part or promote any such enterprises? In any way. After ending of the contract the agent agrees not to work for any competing company for a year, no matter if the work is as an employee, self-employed agent, contract agent or through a third party. The agent is not allowed during the mentioned time to partake in or promote directly or indirectly any such enterprise. Any case of

    Going against this competition rule the agent agrees to pay a contract fine of DM 10.000,-- and to repay any damages caused through this. The Foundation can release the agent of this competition clause.

    Every competition activity, in whichever form, needs previous permission by the Foundation.

  9. Limitation lapse
  10. All claims from this contract by the agent come to the statue of limitation after 6 months after their settlement date.

  11. Other regulations

Exclusive local court of jurisdiction for all disagreement from this contract is Offenbach am Main.

Orally supplementary agreements of this contract don’t exist. Additions or changes to the contract are only valid in a written form signed by both parties. Supplementary to the contract regulations of ?? 84 ff HGB are valid. Should a rule of this contract become invalid, that does not mean the whole contract is. There are two copies of this contract. Every partner of this contract has received a copy.

I have read the above contract regulations and the contents of the appendix to this contract and agree to them. I have received a copy of the contract and appendix.



……………………………….. ………………………………….. …………………………


Date and place? Agents Signature Signature


Agents Contract

The Foundation …………………………………………………………………………………………………

(Called the Foundation hereafter)


Mr / Mrs / Agent ………………………………………………………………………………………….

(Called agent hereafter)

have as of ……………………….. negotiated the following:

  1. Rights of the agent
  2. The agent will be self-employed and part time take over trading for the Foundation in the area of …………………………………………..…...

    The Foundation reserves the right to continue trading itself or through appointed agent in that area.

  3. Subject of the representation
  4. The representation entails the Vermittlung? Of training courses

  5. Responsibilities and authorities of the trading agent
  6. It is the agent’s responsibility to promote business as described in paragraph 2. for and in the name of the Foundation. He is not authorised to finalise business and Incasso? in the name of the Foundation.

    While doing his job the agent has to ensure the interests of the Foundation are being taken into consideration with the professionalism of a decent businessman and must never trade unfairly.

  7. Transference of rights
  8. This contract or single rights of this contract are not transferable.

  9. Duties of the Foundation
  10. In instructing the agent the Foundation will take his role as self employed agent into account. The Foundation will support the agent in his duties to the best of its abilities and will always let him have the necessary news and information. The Foundation will especially inform the agent of the successful or unsuccessful outcome of any mediated business. The Foundation informs the agent when any unsuccessful business can only be concluded in a small range, as is to be expected under circumstances. The same goes, if the Foundation because of intern reasons or higher forces is unable to take on new or only limited orders.

  11. Duties of the agent

The agent is under obligation to follow the instructions of the Foundation, no matter if these are given generally or for a specific case. The agent has to inform the Foundation immediately of any mediated deal

and continuously keep them informed with copies of correspondence or memorandums. The agent is obliged to check the Bonitδt? Of existing or prospective clients within the means of his possibilities and to support the Foundation in checking their credit reference. Any doubts about the Bonitδt of an existing or prospective client are to be reported to the Foundation. The agent has to respect any trade secrets of the Foundation, which he might learn about during his work and is not allowed to inform any third parties about them. This also counts after the duration of this contract. For any breach of this agreement the agent will be fined DM 5000. The agent agrees to respect the terms of business in all his dealings with clients or prospective customers. Special arrangements are only allowed in agreement with the Foundation.

7.       Commission duties on businesses

The agent aquires a claim of commission on all business which has been mediated during the Time he is under contract with the Foundation. Business deals finalised after the contract has finished

Are only due for commission duty to the agent, if the deal is mainly credited to work the agent has done. If however a business deal is finalised one month after the finish of the agent contract, there can be no claim on commission duty.

  1. Discontinuation of commission duty claim
  2. The claim of commission duty discontinues when it has become impossible to carry out finalised business deals, without the Foundation having to defend the impossibility or when it is unreasonable to carry out that business.

  3. Calculation and amount of the commission
  4. The commission is: refer to appendix, which is part of this contract. The agent carries all his own expenses, which occur in his side of the business. Expense allowances for special occasions are to be negotiated separately.

  5. Duration of the contract, termination of the contract
  6. The contract is for an indefinite period. It will end with a notice to quit or the death of the agent.

    There has to be six months notice. The right to quit for important reasons, for both partners is not affected by this. Notice has to be given in writing. Any papers given to the agent before and during his work by the Foundation have to be handed back within three days after ending the contract, if they have not been used as intended.

  7. Competition
  8. The agent holds the following representations / occupations? On beginning his contract:


    The Foundation agrees to him continuing these activities. The agent is not allowed during his contract with the Foundation, to trade for other companies (if not stated above) with similar or same products, unless he has specifically written permission by the Foundation to do so and he must not take part or promote any such enterprises? In any way. After ending of the contract the agent agrees not to work for any competing company for a year, no matter if the work is as an employee, self-employed agent, contract agent or through a third party. The agent is not allowed during the mentioned time to partake in or promote directly or indirectly any such enterprise. Any case of Going against this competition rule the agent agrees to pay a contract fine of DM 10.000,-- and to repay any damages caused through this. The Foundation can release the agent of this competition clause.

    Every competition activity, in whichever form, needs previous permission by the Foundation.

  9. Limitation lapse
  10. All claims from this contract by the agent come to the statue of limitation after 6 months after their settlement date.

  11. Other regulations

Exclusive local court of jurisdiction for all disagreement from this contract is Offenbach am Main.

Orally supplementary agreements of this contract don’t exist. Additions or changes to the contract are only valid in a written form signed by both parties. Supplementary to the contract regulations of ?? 84 ff HGB are valid. Should a rule of this contract become invalid, that does not mean the whole contract is. There are two copies of this contract. Every partner of this contract has received a copy.

I have read the above contract regulations and the contents of the appendix to this contract and agree to them. I have received a copy of the contract and appendix.



……………………………….. ………………………………….. …………………………


Date and place? Agents Signature Signature