Common Academic
framework CAF
Some suggestions as to what members could do
in order to further develop their skills and meet the personal objectives which
they have set themselves may be discovered by asking themselves how comfortable
they would honestly be or how necessary any of the following may be if being
asked to take an examination which involved the following.
Written Communication
- Devote time to drafting, editing and proof-reading a press release
- Learn the 'rules and conventions' for any specific writing weaknesses,
e.g. spelling, punctuation, grammar. proof reading, referencing
- Obtain relevant writing skills packs
- Read a study skills book on 'How to take effective notes' or 'How to plan
a piece of writing
- Book a tutorial to help plan how you can improve your written assignments.
- Write an articles for a newspaper, or for our
association's newsletter.
- Write publicity / letters to raise investments.
Oral Communication
- Set personal targets for participating in Conferences/seminars
- Prepare effectively for seminars by thinking about what you have read and
preparing questions and summaries.
- Obtain relevant 'Presentation Skills' packs.
- Practice with OHPs or Powerpoint to a better level than you can now
- Take notes of what makes for an effective presentation in seminars and
- Set clear objectives for professional presentations.
- Get a 'Presentation Skills' video from the Library.
- Monitor and critically evaluate your use of discussion and presentation
skills, including listening and questioning skills.
- Media presentation, ie radio, TV
- Get involved in the Welcome Team for important visitors to your company
- Undertake the supervising / training of others.
- Become a member of a society or committee.
- Participate in or organise the company sports team or fitness regime.
- Participate in charity organisations / awards for young people, e.g. Duke
of Edinburgh Award, Volunteer Bureau.
- Play an instrument in a band or orchestra, or join a choir.
- Assess own performance and contribution to group projects in course.
Note particularly leadership activities in group situations:-
- Organising activities or events.
- Supervising others at work or leading a group activity or project.
- Captaining a sports team.
Numerical Skills
- Analyse where numbers are used in your work (estimating, forecasting,
measuring, calculating, interpreting data and graphs, tables and charts,
using spreadsheets, formulae and graphical representations).
- Book a one-to-one tutorial with a Mathematics tutor to help you work on
any specific areas.
- Be Treasurer for a community Society.
- Work experience involving data handling / use of numbers.
- Cost and budget for an event or activity.
- Organise payment of bills.
Self-Management Skills
- Monitor how far you meet deadlines.
- Keep a chart or diary to enter all important dates.
- Attend a Time Management workshop.
- Construct a weekly timetable.
- Arrange fixtures or social / charity events.
- Plan, and keep to a budget.
- Set goals for developing activities.
Information Technology Skills
- Word-process all assignments to professional standards.
- Analyse where IT is used in your job and specify skills and experience in
relation to software packages etc.
- Attend IT workshops to learn specific skills.
- Attend Information Skills workshops put on by the Library or IT Services.
- Use all aspects of e-mail and Internet professionally.
ie to a high
- create spreadsheets and databases.
- Use all aspects of PowerPoint for presentations.
- Present graphs and charts using IT.
- Be proficient in Microsoft Office
Learning to Learn Skills
- Carry out a skills audit.
- Monitor your own progress by reviewing achievements, assignment feedback
and setting clear short-term, middle term and long term goals.
- Establish opportunities for improving your own learning and performance.
- Attend workshops to support study skills, e.g. note-making, report
writing, article planning etc.
- Set priorities and realistic targets.
- Manage time effectively to prepare work.
- Select and use different ways of learning, e.g. independent learning,
directed learning, collaborative learning.
- Use initiative in searching out support and guidance.
- Take advantage of training opportunities at work.
Problem-Solving Skills
- Analyse the kinds of problems you encounter as part of your work
(numerical, technical, creative, analytical, experimental, design).
- Seek help / advice from fellow workers, tutors in tackling specific
- Take responsibility for organising an event.
- Tackle financial hardship without jeopardising professional obligations
and progress.
- Reconcile interpersonal conflict, e.g. in company / home.
- Research, plan and find new challenges to support career plans.
- Overcome obstacles to goals.
- Start a new Society - or resurrect an old one!
- Use initiative / make suggestions to improve systems / procedures at work.
This list is by no means exhaustive, but intended only to stimulate some