University Central Notebook
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This part of this site will be the part that is added to almost daily. Please feel free to come back anytime and use what you like but remember to do your due diligence in case I pick up something inaccurate. If I do then please let me know 

Many among us have dreamt of big things, but very few of us have made the necessary efforts to make these dreams come true. We are living in a world thriving with opportunity, one of the richest nations in the world and what are we doing with this precious opportunity?

Do you know that 95 % of people do not have a goal in life? If they were setting off for a trip to Scotland they’d get a map out but for their life they wander aimlessly hoping that opportunity will land in their lap

The shocking statistics furnished by insurance companies show that in a group of 100 men starting their careers at the age of 25 and having the desire to succeed, 40 years later we find:

1 is Rich
4 are Financially Secure
5 still Work
26 are Dead and a massive
64 are on state benefits

So, how is it that only 5 % of people manage to attain financial independence? and the others don’t ? It is be­cause they do not adopt the necessary positive mental attitude that leads to success; they conform to the standards of the wrong peer group.


This evening is exceptional, because no matter to what group you belong to now, we will show you how you may be part of the 5 % who achieve financial security. To understand our company, you must first know the individual who is behind this fantastic company.

Born in Watford, England to a factory worker father and a mother who worked in a laundry he left school with One, yes One ‘o’ level but he never let that get in his way.
Since leaving school he has been employed in every menial job you can think of to  

  • Teach English and business

  • Lecture in personal Development

  • Take a wedding dress company to Brand leader in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

  • Be the Director General of The Institute of Telecom Resellers

He has

  • Owned an international chain of Language schools, Pubs, restaurants, travel agencies

  • Acquired a 7 storey Hotel in Mallorca, developed it and sold it on

  • Bought Denim in Japan, shipped it to Malta where it was made into jeans and then sent to Holland to be sold.




Lived in Germany




As well as the UK


And is currently


  • The owner of an IPTV station with staff all over the world

  • A local community school governor


Piaget Presentation
Professional Context
University web boards
Psychology Journals and Periodicals
College of Occupational Therapists Passworded
Health Professions Council search for NHS & EDS
NHS Direct
University IT Services